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BAB2 Buy Collection BAB2

BAB2 is a 3-month barbell optional* program designed to teach you how to and assist you in growing your glutes.

*You do NOT have to have a barbell to complete this program. Each workout has dumbbell only options, so everyone can be included.

This is NOT a postpartum program, but is the perfect sequel to Booty After Baby. This is an advanced glute-building program, with the goal of getting stronger and building muscle. You do not have to have completed Booty After Baby, but it is recommended.


  • one long band

  • one short band

  • (at least one) heavy dumbbell (for reference: I typically use a 35 pound)

  • an incline (bench, coffee table, cooler, box)

  • and a set of lightweight dumbbells

  • *optional barbell

SCHEDULE: 3 workouts a week

- Every workout is around 45 minutes. In an ideal world, all workouts would be 30 minutes and we’d be done quickly. But in order to stay HEALTHY and make these workouts EFFECTIVE, we HAVE to start each workout with mobility and activation, which takes about 10 minutes. Do not ever skip this!

- Consistency is KEY to have success with this program. It’s designed to be done 3 times a week, as it's been proven that the most effective way to build glutes is to train them 3 times a week.

- TAKE A BEFORE PICTURE!!! And keep notes of your weights—this important to keep track of your growth and progress!

Total (including taxes)
USD $130.00
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